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- AmiUncoo.lha 6K Fixes "cooking" MP3-files
- AmTagEd.lha 218K 1.7 - MPEG audio TAG ID3 editor
- DJMPTool.00. 9K Mixes 2 MP3 [MPEG] files, extracts, joins, creates a lo
- JoinAIFF.lha 3K Join 2 AIFF files to one stereo file
- LogOffBr.lha 139K Logoff my Brain - XM-synth/Trance-Mod
- Med2Xm-G.lha 103K GUI for the Fileformatconverter MED2XM
- MelodyDr.lha 8K Melody Z2 driver for AMPlifier and AHI
- mp3asm.lha 28K Ver 0.1 MPEG Layer III fixing program
- mp3docto.lha 2K MP3 Doctor v1.00b (2/9-1998)
- MP3I.lha 16K Writes the Title, Author, etc into MP3s
- MP3TEDv2.lha 114K MP3-TagEditor w/GUI w/Multifile sup.
- mpeginfo.lha 8K Extracts info from MPEG files. w/ source.
- MPTool_1.12. 65K Lists, adds & edits TAGs, converts your MP3 (MPEG) file
- MusicInG.03. 4K GUI for Musicin.elf MP3-Encoder (german)
- MusicInG.04. 37K GUI for Musicin.elf MP3-Encoder (german)
- MusicIN_.lha 1K Hrvatski catalog for
- octaflip.lha 4K 6 arexx-scripts for octamed.
- octahigh.lha 1K Two arexx-scripts for octamed.
- pealitpr.lha 243K Advanced Bell Ringing Simulator
- Pegase.lha 165K Fast MPEG audio encoder (68k+FPU)
- Pegase_P.lha 2K Portuguese Catalog for Pegase v1.4
- PokeyNoi.lha 80K A new music format - PN-PokeyNoise.
- RaveScop.lha 92K Fascinating "wrapped" scope for HP/DT/EP